Wednesday, May 19, 2010


Hebrews 13:5 " content with what you have, because God has said, "Never will I leave you; never will I forsake you."

The word mediocre has several synonyms. Words like, ordinary, average, and second-rate. These are all words that you rarely want people to use when describing their thoughts of you. "Oh, she is a nice girl, ordinary in her appearance." I don't know about you, but I don't want people to say I'm ordinary! I want people to think I'm extraordinary! But in the grand scheme of things most of us will lead a life that is fairly average, ordinary, middle of the road. Heck, let's just admit it...down right mediocre. The problem is we are not satisfied being average and ordinary. There is something deep inside of us that desires to be something more! The culture we live in testifies to everyone's desire to be a rockstar by airing shows like, American Idol or So You Think You Can Dance. These shows give us the hope that those average, ordinary people just like us can really go somewhere, do something memorable with their lives. We talk up our children to help them feel that they are the best at what they do, allowing them to compete in sports by the age of 3, awarding them trophies and words of affirmation that go far beyond their ability. This mentality sets us up for serious disallusionment when real life begins because not everyone can be a rockstar. Not everyone can be the star athlete. Not everyone can be a Billy Graham or a Joyce Meyer.

Paul said that he had become content in every station of life, whether living in plenty or in want (Philippians 4:12-13). There is a reason every Christian needs to embrace the ability to be content in every situation. If we do not embrace contentedness we open the door to become frustrated with the call God has on our life at that moment. It is in the ordinary that God creates in us the extraordinary. If we take hold of the ordinary moments in life and find the pleasure in being an "average Joe" God has time to prepare us for the greater things to come. Just because we may never stand on a stage to speak in front of millions, become the NFL's first draft pick, or have a number one song on the charts does not mean that God can't use our daily sacrifice to do memorable things.

Today while you are folding laundry, cooking dinner (a mediocre dinner at that), scrubbing toilets or whatever it is you find so monotonous and dull, remember that you serve the God of the Universe and He made you and He's your biggest fan! In God's eyes, when we are going about His business, we are all superstars! Nothing about that is ordinary or mediocre!
Today's Reading: Hebrews 13; Proverbs 19

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